Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Do I Want Bangs?

First off, that last doodle made me realize I need to step up my game. That shit was good.
So, I've got something good brewing.

Anyway, I was super insipred by this buzzfeed article:

With that, I present my doodle:

Monday, October 28, 2013

Julia's Win Screen

I know Julia has been working so hard the last few nights and needs to feel like a winner.
I hope this helps.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What Dieting Feels Like

I've been trying to eat a little healthier lately, which is seriously hard for me. I count cheese as a major food group, and I like it that way.

But, I'm trying not to die young. I need plenty of time to enjoy my Corgi and shoe collection that I feel will come in the future. So, I present to you, what the last two months of my life have felt like:

Note to self: I will still spent 45 minutes running, five times a week, for a slice of pizza every once in a while. It's worth it. SO worth it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


My friend Joe is leaving for his new job in Chicago soon so I'm spending time with him.
He's crazy.

Monday, October 21, 2013

When I'm Taking Group Pictures

If there is a big enough group of girls going out together, one will always insist on taking pictures. (This is usually the girl who thinks she looks really good that day. Yes, sometimes that girl is me. No shame. Have you seen my instagram selfies?)

Taking cute pictures is an art form that I never mastered. I swear, everyone else takes classes in how to look happy and sexy in pictures, and I'm here just wondering what to do with my hands.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

My Attempt at Attempting to be an Adult

I know you're sick of blogs about twenty-somethings and blogs by twenty-somethings and the whole idea that being a twenty-something is interesting and important enough to blog about. I am too.
But, bear with me, because this isn't about being a twenty-something and the struggles that come with it, it's the fact that I'm pretty sure the only reason they delay the drinking age to 21 is to soften the blow.

And I'm pretty sure there's a lot of awesome things about being an adult that I just haven't discovered yet. (And please don't tell me that the awesome things are getting married and having kids. Puh-leez.)

Friday, October 18, 2013

I've Noticed a Trend.

I've noticed a trend in New York State.
It is illegal to talk on your cell phone while driving a car. So I see people driving around holding their phones up to their face, with speaker phone on, like that's somehow different.

This= BAD

but somehow

This= GOOD?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

What Do They Want From Us?

I can't be super inspired and super genius all the time! I mean, isn't the fact that I'm kind of inspired and mediocre-ly genius every once in a while enough for people?

One day, I will learn how to be really creative on a whim, but just bare with me until that day comes.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

So I guess I can title these...

I can neverthink of anything funny or clever to draw
so this guy will have to cope with that

Monday, October 14, 2013

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Eric, You Know You Can Make Titles, Right?

Today was the last day of New York Comic Con. I had lots of fun, and I think Eric did too. Here's a picture of how excited I was to be there.

Note: I was dressed up as Spock. It was pretty sweet.

So, here's today's doodle. We briefly spent some time in the kids' room for a puppet lecture, and I got a mask to play with.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

So at the end of the second day of Comic Con I'm very tired but I have seen some cool people so far, like Rob Paulsen, Billy West, the cast of Bob's Burgers, Hulk Hogan, Sgt. Slaughter, Stan Lee,
and Bill Plympton who drew this picture of me.

Late Again


Check mate? 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

We're both in NYC this weekend for Comic Con
and this pretty much sums up New York City for me.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Maybe, if you internet, you've seen this picture floating around. (Mad props to my friend Kaylee for sending it my way.)
Did I mention I like Corgis?

So, I decided to draw my own Corgi. Usually I'm awful at drawing anything with steps. (I used to check out those books from the library that taught you how to draw in steps. It actually helped a lot. You should see how I drew before.)

Here is my attempt. Not nearly as cute as Eric's. Notice the amazing legs.

Monday, October 7, 2013

What Novocaine Feels Like

I got a wisdom tooth out today, which was an experience I've never had before.
But they gave me drugs. A ton of drugs. My face felt ways it's never felt before.
So, I present to you, a dentist doodle.

It was  fun day, until I got to this point, and now my numb face is replaced with  dumb face.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Told You I Wouldn't Be Late This Time

Okay, so, remember that one time I kept being late with my doodles? Not anymore.

Anyway, I'm not particularly religious, but I think the idea of someone watching over you is kind of nice. Believe anything you want to believe, as long as you're not hurting anybody.

With that, I give you my doodle:

Two In One

Eric and I have been pretty busy with working, and wedding preparations. Not ours, because hell no am I ready for that stuff.

But, anyway, we're in the same city this week, so we also have been spending a lot of time sleeping, which always happens. No idea why, but we get together and sleep. Just sleep. It's weird.

Anyway, here's the latest two comics.
Here's Eric's from yesterday. It was my mom's birthday, and she likes the Giants and our guinea pig, so Eric combined the two together, adorably.

And from Thursday, here's my train ticket. I can not tell you how boring this train ride was.

So, it's my turn to doodle today, and, by god, I will post on time!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I have no idea.

You Keep Using That Word. I Do Not Think You Know What It Means

This blog is late, so it comes with a FREE RANT!
It seems that a lot of people I know seem to use the word "basically" and think no one will question it. "I basically live in New York" is one I get a lot, or "I basically got the job" or "I'm basically a virgin" or... you get the picture.
If you have to say basically, then you are not, indeed, doing that thing. So, own up to all the other great things in your life and just admit that you're not "basically" anything and you're fooling no one, basically.