Monday, September 23, 2013

A Doodlesback Introduction

If you don't know me and my boyfriend, Eric, here's a picture for reference. Or maybe it isn't. On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.

Besides football and making faces, we both enjoy doodling. Eric is an artist, which means his work looks like this:

Or, even if he's doodling on the fly, his work looks like this:

Which is really great, because it makes me happy, and usually it's kind of funny-- especially in comparison to my great works of art, which usually look something like this:

(That's what I'd imagine Eric and I would look like if we were characters from Star Wars. The questionable item in his hand is supposed to be a light saber. Just go with it.)

Needless to say, Eric is far better at drawing than I am, and not only because he tends to draw on things that aren't post-it notes. So, we decided to go on an adventure. Kind of.

Eric and I were born in  Rochester, NY. We grew up six houses apart and went to the same high school. You'd think that was really cute, except we started dating after I'd gone off to college. We've been long distance the whole time we've been dating, which means we had to get really creative with ways to be romantic.

Right now, I live in a large city in New York, called New York City. I work here, and Eric goes to school in Rochester. That's a nice, casual, six hours apart, in case you skipped New York State Geography 101. We see each other around once a month, if we're lucky. (By, "if we're lucky," I really mean "if we can scrape $70 dollars together to find a conveniently-timed bus ticket.")

So, we decided to draw each other a doodle. Every day. For a year. 365 days, 365 doodles. I draw one, he draws one. Back and forth. You get the picture? You get the picture.

Maybe we'll grow closer in the process. Maybe we won't. Maybe I'll finally learn how to draw noses. Probably not. Maybe he'll draw something really awesome. Probably. But we'll definitely have 365 doodles by the end of this year, and you'll have 365 new doodles to casually scroll through on the toilet.

You're welcome.

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